Civic body conducts review meeting for Swachh Survekshan


Amritsar, January 3

Senior officials of the Municipal Corporation (MC) conducted a review meeting regarding the preprations for Swachh Survekshan-2023 at the MC office here today. In the meeting, various parameters on which the survery is based were discussed.

Municipal Health Officer (MHO) Dr Yogesh Arora said: “The inspection team for the national-level sanitation survey — Swachh Survekshan-2023 — is expected to visit the city in mid-January. They will check the existing infrastructure for sanitation. We had applied for three star rating of Garbage Free City (GFC). They will also visit our garbage processing units and Material Recovery Facility (MRF) Plants. The officials reviewed the preperations.”

During the meeting, the MC officials decided to conduct a mock drill for inspecting public toilets in the city. Chief Sanitary Inspectors will conduct inspections of public toilets in their respective areas. They will report the problems and rectify them before the visit of the national team. The mock drill will be conducted on Wednesday.

Apart from this, the MC will make efforts to get ‘Open Defecation Free ++’ status again. Last year the MC had applied for ‘Garbage Free City (GFC)’ status but failed to fulfil its conditions since it needed a construction and demolition waste plant, which is under construction, and a sanitary landfill facility. The officials claimed that efforts are being made to fulfil these requirements to get the GFC status.

MC Commissioner Sandeep Rishi instructed the solid waste management company officials to address the shortage of door-to-door collection vehicles in the city.