Varsity’s non-teaching staff hold protest over delay in promotions


Amritsar, February 3

The non-teaching staff on Friday held a demonstration against the ‘callous’ attitude of GNDU authorities on the issue related to promotions of regular staff. The university has approximately 900-950 non-teaching staff, including clerical and technical, and they have been demanding promotions that have been due for the last two years.

Hardeep Singh Nagra, president, non-teaching staff, GNDU, who led the protests, said GNDU (being a public university is an autonomous body) took decisions regarding appointments and promotions of its staff.

“As per government orders, the service rules regarding promotions of the clerical staff of the university were made on the lines of the Secretariat. GNDU also has technical staff and despite clearing the required qualifications and eligible criterion, no member of non-teaching staff has been promoted in the last two years. We have been suffering from financial as well as professional loss due to this. When asked, university authorities always give an excuse that they have written to the state government for approval of promotions. Some of the staff are about to retire without getting any promotion that was otherwise due. Since the university is an autonomous body with its own calendar and Syndicate, what is causing the delay in promotions,” he asked.

Nagra said there was also an issue of vacancies not being filled in time. “We need to fill at least seven to eight posts of assistant registrar, but no appointments have been made. We appealed to the administration that our demand be given a due thought,” he said.