Resolve complaints in time-bound manner: Punjab Scheduled Caste Commission Vice-Chairman


Amritsar, November 24

Punjab Scheduled Caste Commission Vice-Chairman Deepak Kumar today directed the police to dispose of complaints filed by members of the community in time-bound manner.

He warned the officials that if any of them was found delaying justice to the victims, they would be taken to task.

Kumar was hearing complaints of the community members during a camp at Mohar village in Lopoke and Mehniya Muhar village in the Kathunangal area.

Kumar heard two complaints. In the first complaint, Kanwaljit Kaur of Mehniya Kuhar village said she had four sisters and no brother. She alleged that several persons in the village wanted to grab their 10-acre land. She alleged that they had approached the police earlier, but nothing was done.

Another complainant Santokh Singh of Mohar village in Lopoke told the Vice-Chairman that several persons in the village had passed objectionable remarks against his caste. They intercept and physically assault him. He said the accused lived in his neighbourhood. He said though he had filed a complaint, no action was taken by the police.

The commission asked the police to file an action taken and status report in the cases by November 30.