Pensioners meet Tarn Taran Deputy Commissioner


Tarn Taran, December 17

Different unions of the retired employees of the state government departments on Saturday organised functions dedicated to Pensioners Day in which their current demands were discussed and the administration was apprised of their demands.

Deputy Commissioner (DC) Rishipal Singh was the chief guest at the function organised by the local district branch of the Punjab Pensioner Confederation. The DC instructed all district heads of the departments concerned and officials of the banks to redress pensioners’ grievances on priority.

Ajit Singh Fatehchakk, district president, apprised the DC and others of the pensioners’ demands. Members of the union who had attained above the age of 75 years were honoured on the occasion.

The district branch of the Government Pensioners’ Union, Punjab, organised a function in the local Gandhi Municipal Park. Jaswinder Singh Manochahal, district president of the union, said the pension was the right of the retired employees given by the country’s Supreme Court and it was not at the mercy of the government.