Open House: How do you view the government’s move of renaming schools after freedom fighters?


Will be able to relate to names in textbooks

Certainly, the step of the AAP-led Punjab Government of renaming certain schools after freedom fighters would enlighten the younger generation about those who fought for the country. Earlier, the students were not aware of the names of freedom fighters of our country. Now with their schools renamed, the students will be able to relate to the names of freedom fighters appearing in their textbooks. The younger generation will have more knowledge about freedom fighters.

Sanjay Chawla

Youth will know about freedom fighters

The decision taken by the government to rename schools after some freedom fighters and martyrs will enlighten the young generation about the importance of the sacrifice made by those who fought and bled for the country. However, Punjab is a state which has many brave freedom fighters and martyrs such as Bhagat Singh, Kartar Singh Saraba, Udham Singh, Sukhdev and others. The young generation of Punjab is not acknowleding the efforts made by them. Such steps will help the young generation to become aware of their history. Moreover, the history and importance of freedom fighters and martyrs should be taught in the schools too.

Jasleen Kaur

Govt’s decision a step in right direction

The renaming of some schools after freedom fighters and martyrs is a good step taken by the Punjab Government. This would make the youth aware of the eminent personalities who sacrificed a lot for the country. It will also instill a sense of pride in the family members of freedom fighters. Moreover, it would encourage the younger generation to work hard for the prosperity of the nation. People should also be made aware of the history of freedom fighters so that they can get inspired and apply the same principles in their lives for the betterment of nation.

JP Batth

Rechristening schools immaterial

Education Minister Harjot Singh’s idea of renaming some government schools after martyrs and freedom fighters reminds me of the previous Captain Amarinder Singh-led Congress government that named roads and institutions after medal winners in Olympics. Obviously, they are only superficial measures to give out the impression of ‘revolutionary changes’ in school education. There is no doubt that the AAP government is sincerely concerned over the state of affairs and has rechristened some government schools which had caste/fraternity tags. It is a good step, but the plan of founding 100 ‘Schools of Eminence’ seems over ambitious because eminence is earned after a long, consistent and silent performance, and recognition by the society. Oxford and Cambridge didn’t become eminent overnight. Government schools in Delhi are performing very efficiently, but they have not become ’eminent’ yet. I think, if all schools have the requisite infrastructure and number of teachers, and they are given freedom to teach with periodic inspections, schools will automatically function well. Schools acquire their definition from the area in which they are located, for example Government Senior Secondary School, Mall Road, or Government Senior Secondary School, Chheharta. It is doubtful if prefixing the name of a PVC awardee will in any way make the students more patriotic. This, however, is not to deny that students should be exposed to tales of valour, courage and bravery shown by our jawans and officers while fighting for the country. By the way, the first government school established by the British in 1863 in Amritsar had gained true eminence with time, but was demolished a few years ago in spite of public opposition, and shifted in order to make a parking place on its vast campus.

Prof Mohan Singh

Step will enlighten students on sacrifices

AAP-led Punjab Government recently renamed some schools after freedom fighters and martyrs with a view to enlightening the younger generation of the sacrifices made by those who fought and bled for the country. The schools that were given caste-based names lately only spread prejudice and contradict the education of equality given by the schools. An academic institution is a place that imbibes a sense of equality and peace among students and it would be inappropriate to name a school on caste lines. This change is positive. However, the structural modifications are not enough to make holistic development of a pupil. In order to make them aware of the sacrifices made by martyrs, curriculum must include inspirational lessons and activities that include the trips to concerned museum or place where students can gather useful information and be able to live courageous life.

Sammy Cheema

Include martyrs’ biographies in syllabi

The AAP-led Punjab Government’s recent initiative to rename state-run schools after freedom fighters, martyrs and soldiers is quite appreciable. It will accord due respect and honour to their valiant spirit and help enlighten the younger generation about their selfless supreme sacrifices to free the country from the British yoke, besides maintaining its unity and integrity and guarding its borders. But more than that, the government should include the biographies of known kindred spirits in the school and college syllabi. During classes, teachers should make special efforts to elaborate on their heroic roles and sacrifices for the country. Regular functions should also be held for the purpose. As our society is fast becoming materialistic and self-centred, this move will inculcate the spirit of patriotism in young minds. Teachers and parents should also lead upright lives and act as role models for them. Leaders who call on the youth to emulate these great personalities should themselves follow in their footsteps to serve the country, and not their own selfish interests. It is imperative to cleanse the current vitiated political discourse to redeem it of corruption and criminalisation. Sincere efforts should be made to improve functioning of schools in order to impart quality education. For that, the government should provide adequate infrastructure in libraries and labs and recruit qualified teachers to make up for the prevailing staff shortage. Special emphasis should be laid on sports and extra-curricular activities for the holistic personality development of the youth so that they become a valuable asset for the country. Creation of more job opportunities for the educated will deter them from going abroad for higher education and employment.

DS Kang

Commendable move to instil nationalism

The recent initiative of the AAP government to rename institutions of academic importance in the memory of valiant bravehearts has been well received by the people at large. It can safely be acknowledged as a commendable step both perceiving and conceiving the martyrdom, eternal valour and indomitable spirit of those whose lives are celebrated, applauded and admired all over the country. The state government’s move follows the step of the Centre to rename 21 largest islands in Andaman and Nicobar after 21 Param Vir Chakra awardees. Both the moves will foster a feeling of unity in diversity and national integration in the younger generation. It will expose the youth to the fortitude and courage displayed by our bravehearts for the nation and encourage them to follow in their footsteps.

Sameer Bhatia

Young generation will know our history

Independence from the British was achieved after great sacrifices by our revolutionaries by kissing the gallows of death. The revolutionaries in their teenage pledged to make the country free from the clutches of the British empire. There are a number of freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the country, but unfortunately, the present generation knows little about the sacrifices made by our revolutionaries to free India from the British rule. I appreciate that the Punjab Government is renaming the schools after great revolutionaries and freedom fighrers who fought for the Independence of the country. I am of the view that most of the students are not aware how India achieved Independence and who are the people who sacrificed their lives for the nation. India is celebrating Amrit Mahotsav (75 years of independence) and the union and state government should organise special seminars and functions to make the current generation aware of the great Independence story of this country. Renaming the schools after great personalities is a positive and welcome idea.

Rajat Kumar Mohindru

Historical figures source of inspiration

During our struggle for Independence, many freedom fighters laid down their lives to give us India of our dreams. Numerous others and their families have to bear the untold sufferings for raising their voice against the tyranny and brutality of erstwhile rulers. It is in fact the relentless battle fought by those revolutionaries that we are the citizens of a free nation. But with the passage of time and tremendous changes in lifestyle, most of the youngsters know very little about the heroic deeds of these patriots and bravehearts of our motherland. Leading the freedom movement from front, Punjabis played a significant role to get rid of the curse of slavery from the country. Paying homage to these great warriors, the Punjab Government has decided to rename government schools after them so as to make our next generations aware of such prominent personalities. This solemn initiative of the state government has won public accolades in such a measure that famous historical figures remain an exemplary source of inspiration for the youth across the country. As the sacrifices made by these freedom fighters make us feel proud of our historical past, it is paramount to keep their legacy alive so as to constantly ignite the spirit of nationalism among the countrymen. In true spirit, renaming of schools after the national heroes would constantly keep abreast future generations of the heroic acts and supreme sacrifices made by great patriots, writers and soldiers in attaining freedom for our country. It is, indeed, a befitting tribute to such stalwarts!

Nirmaljit Singh Chatrath

Don’t rename schools, give quality education

The change of names, schools and educational institutions is not going to make any difference unless real problems on the ground are not looked into. To build character and instil ethics in students, school and good environment play an important role. It will auger well if the government pays more attention on improving the standard of education, teachers’ availability and other basic facilities than renaming the schools. It will be a befitting tribute to our martyrs if all children can get good quality education and become successful in their lives. By ensuring quality education to all, we can make India of their dreams for which they made the supreme sacrifice.

Col GS Bhullar

Renaming schools a toothless decision

Martyrs laid down their lives for our nation because they had some vision for our country. They were keen on witnessing the country get rid of evils like poverty, corruption, among others. But what happened after the independence of the nation lies in front of us. Our country is still reeling from economic disparities, poverty, unemployment, corruption and various other issues. The country is blindly following the US model of development by handing over the country’s resources to private corporations. The need of the hour is corruption-free governance with complete transparency. Renaming the schools after martyrs will not help solve any issue.

Harvinder Singh Chugh

Renaming exercise just a political gimmick

The Punjab Government’s decision to rename schools after freedom fighters and martyers to educate today’s youth about the importance of their selfless service to the nation seems like a gimmick. In most government schools, the attendance is thin and infrastructure inadequate. For most students who come from the marginalised section of society, the main priority is to make a living after getting good education. How the renaming of schools will help in this direction is anybody’s guess. The government should have instead focused on making children aware about freedom fighters and their lives by conducting workshops and interesting activities. By engaging them in such activities they would have not only raised the standard of education but also the attendance in schools. The renaming exercise will only ensure credit to the government of the day and do no good to schools in particular.


Step will highlight importance of sacrifice

The step to raise awareness about the importance of the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters is welcome. It is necessary for instilling feelings of patriotism among the youth. The schools renamed after freedom fighters should align their objectives with those of the valiant heroes. Events should be organised to commemorate the sacrifice made by our freedom fighters.

Anshika Kohli

Don’t just rename schools, give funds

It is gratifying that after changing caste-based names of various government schools, the AAP dispensation in Punjab has decided to rename them after famous freedom fighters, soldiers and eminent writers of the area in which they are situated. In November last year, village panchayats and the school management committees were asked to pass resolutions to this effect. This gesture is meant to pay homage to these heroic personalities who toiled hard or sacrificed their lives to liberate the country from British colonialism and defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity after Independence. It will certainly make future generations aware of the extraordinary valour shown by these iconic personalities for the sake of the country. They will become a source of inspiration for the youth to further the interests of their motherland. Merely naming schools after martyrs will not inculcate the spirit of patriotism and sense of discipline. The government should allocate more funds for the education sector to improve the quality of education. Teachers should uphold professional ethics. Students should be given jobs after they complete their education. The authorities should keep a tab on private schools which are looting the student community. Otherwise, the whole exercise will end as purely a populist decision for gaining political mileage.

Tajpreet S Kang

Move appears to be politically motivated

The recent exercise of renaming some government schools by the Punjab Government appears to be politically motivated and may not yield the expected results. Imparting quality and affordable education to students with emphasis on building their national character is a better option for making them patriotic citizens. Neither is any there serious study on the subject nor any evidence from the past experience to the effect that nomenclature of any institution has simply contributed in achieving targeted objective or mission in any way. On the contrary, the exercise is prone to some future complications due to our society of diverse culture woven of multiple religious, linguistic and regional entities.

Jagdish Chander

Better late than never; a wise step

The motive of AAP-led Punjab Government to rename some schools after freedom fighters and those who made sacrifices for their motherland is very much to the point. It should have been done much earlier by the previous governments but they named them only on political and religious leaders. This will definitely awaken the students about the development of their areas. Many freedom fighters were hanged and sent to the Cellular Jail in Andaman and Nicobar islands. Most of these were Punjabis in particular. Naming the schools after freedom fighters will establish a secular state of schools. When the Japanese occupied that island in Second World War, Dr Diwan Singh Kalapani was killed by the Japanese because he opposed them. Such was the valour of our freedom fighters.

Dr JS Wadhwa


The BJP-led NDA government at the Centre recently presented its last full Budget before the 2024 General Election. The government tried to strike a balance between economic and electoral considerations this time. Has the Budget lived up to your expectations?

Suggestions in not more than 200 words can be sent to by Thursday (February 9).