MP Harbhajan Singh Bhajji promises to make international cricket stadium in Amritsar


Amritsar, December 4

Former cricketer and Rajya Sabha MP Harbhajan Singh has said that he would make an international cricket stadium in the city, while responding to a tweet from local activist Michael Rahul. Michael had tagged Harbhajan Singh and asked to make efforts for setting up international cricket stadium in Amritsar. Michael writes, “Harbhajan Singhji make efforts for setting up international cricket stadium in Amritsar. All political leaders, bureaucrats interested in Mohali, no one for Amritsar but now, we have you as hope for Amritsar.”

Responding to his tweet, Harbhajan Singh said, “With the blessings of Guru Ramdas Maharaj this dream of all will be fulfilled soon. I will do my best it’s my promise.”

“We are hopeful that Harbhajan Singh will fulfil his promise. The international cricket stadium will boost hospitality industry in the city. I wish that it should be named after Mahraja Ranjit Singh,” said Michael.

Even as the holy city’s Gandhi Ground had hosted several international tournaments in the past, but the failure of authorities concerned to upgrade it has made the ground unworthy for organising international matches. The last international match played here was between India and New Zealand in 1995.