Man loses bike to 5 miscreants in Amritsar


Amritsar, January 17

A group of five bike-borne miscreants robbed a local resident of his bike on the intervening night of Saturday and Sunday.

A complaint was lodged with the police yesterday, and a case has been registered under Sections 379-B and 34 of the Indian Penal Code. There has been no breakthrough in the case so far.

The gang of bike-borne robbers has been on the prowl in the district. The cops are still groping in the dark about the gang members.

Ravi Kumar, a resident of Division C police station area, told the police that he was on his way back home on his bike at around 2 am when the incident occurred. He said that as he had reached the Gilwali gate, five men showed up on two bikes. They waylaid him. One of them allegedly even pointed a dagger at Kumar.

This, however, was not an isolated incident. Back in November last year, two incidents of snatching were reported in just three days.

Such incidents were also reported in a rural belt in which a group of four to six persons, armed with sharp-edged weapons and pistols, looted some people.

Raju Singh, a resident of Madhya Pradesh, who was returning home from work, was brutally thrashed by some bike-borne attackers. They snatched his purse, which contained Rs 6,000, and a mobile phone. In a separate incident in the area falling under the Chatiwind police station, Ranbir Singh of Jhabal, Tarn Taran, was waylaid by four bike-borne persons. The attackers made off with Rs 15,000 after shooting him in the leg.