Man kills neighbour after verbal spat turns bloody


Amritsar, January 16

An argument ensued after some poultry birds owned by a family at the Ajnala sub-division in Gurala village sneaked into the house of a neighbour. The heated exchange turned ugly when the neighbour assaulted the father-son duo who owned the birds with a spade. The father died on the way to the hospital due to a head injury while his son is still undergoing treatment.

Even though the incident occurred three days ago, a complaint was lodged with the police only yesterday.

Attacked with spade over trivial issue

Alice (60), the wife of the deceased, told the police that on Friday, some chickens owned by their family entered a neighbour Musa Masih house.When her son Emanual went to his house. He was hit on head his head with a spade by Musa. His father Gulzar intervened to save his son, but Musa hit him on the head with the spade, too.

Alice (60), the wife of the deceased, has told the police that on Friday, some chickens owned by their family entered a neighbour’s house. Musa Masih, the neighbour, was livid.

She said that her son Emanual went to his house and tried to pacify him. But Musa continued to hurl a stream of abuses at him. When Emanual objected to his use of abusive language, Musa picked up a spade and hit Emanual on head with it. Emanual fell down, bleeding profusely. That was when her husband Gulzar intervened to save his son, but Musa hit him on the head with the spade, too. He also started bleeding and fell to the ground. He turned unconscious. Musa fled the spot, but not without threatening to kill them all if they lodged a police complaint.

Alice said that she and her daughter-in-law Kamlesh then rushed the father-son duo to hospital. Gulzar died on the way to the hospital while Emanual is still under treatment. She has claimed that out of fear they performed her husband’s last rites and buried him. She eventually decided to lodge a police complaint.

Ajnala DSP Sanjiv Kumar said a case has been registered under Sections 302 and 307 of the Indian Penal Code. Musa is still at large, but further investigation is under way.