Jail inmates made aware of their right to free legal aid


Amritsar, December 20

Jail inmates were guided regarding various legal aid services being provided by the Punjab State Legal Services Authority during the visit of District and Sessions Judge Harpreet Kaur to the Central Jail here on Tuesday.

The inmates made aware of the ADR (alternate dispute redressal) mechanism, legal aid, lok adalats, victim compensation schemes, para legal volunteer services, legal aid clinic. The District and Sessions Judge said that inmates could get legal help from the legal aid clinic set up at the jail premises.

The inmates were also asked to visit the clinic to know information related to their case and ask for any assistance they need. She further added that the expenses incurred during the case were borne by the District Legal Services Authority.

Aashish Saldi, Chief Judicial Magistrate, Amritsar, and Pushpinder Singh, Secretary, DLSA, inspected jail barracks, kitchen and other areas and listened to their problems.