GNDU set bar high in sports, academics


Neha Walia

amritsar, December 26

In its 53rd year, Guru Nanak Dev University managed to find its place among one of the best institutions of higher education in the country. It’s status as one of the best in the field recently found validation after the university managed to become second best rated institution of higher education in the country in recently concluded National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) survey, by obtaining an A++ grade of 3.85/4, only behind Tata Institute of Sciences.

A view of the university campus. File

While 2022 ended on a good note for university, the year remained a one with a lot of ups and a few downs for the university.

The Highs
Academic achievements

If NAAC score was its best from 2022, another high came with GNDU winning the prestigious MAKA trophy for the record 24th time.

This year the university also improved its rankings in several education surveys. World Universities with Real Impact (WURI) placed Guru Nanak Dev University among the top 100 universities in the country. It joined the elite club of top 50 universities in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) Rankings-2022 and is ranked 44th among the top universities in the country.

Researchers, scientists brought accolades

Dr Subheet K Jain, Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Science, and Coordinator, Centre for Basic and Translational Research in Health Science, was granted a patent on “Non-Settling Nanovesicular Formulation for Delivery of Amphotericin B”. He is working on a drug, which is highly effective for treatment of systemic fungal diseases at low costs.

Women scientists also made the university proud. Dr Sarbjeet Kaur, a senior research fellow (SRF) pursuing PhD at the Department of Chemistry, Guru Nanak Dev University, was awarded with prestigious Commonwealth Split-site Scholarship for a period of one year by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC), UK, under the theme of science and technology. Another woman scientist, Dr Gagandeep Kaur Gahlay, assistant professor at the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, GNDU, was awarded the prestigious SERB-POWER grant this year. Dr Inderpeet Kaur, Professor, Department of Chemistry, Guru Nanak Dev University (GNDU), received the Dr PN Pathak Memorial Award-2022 by the Association of Separation Scientists and Technologists (ASSET), Radiochemistry Division, BARC, Mumbai.Harpreet Kaur, PhD scholar from Department of Physics of was awarded ‘Young Scientist Award’ by 25th Punjab Science Congress.

Preserving literature

In series of firsts, university established the first ever Nanak Singh Museum inside Bhai Gurdas library and to preserve the literary works of Gurnam Singh Tir, a centre was established in Bhai Gurdas Library as well, in collaboration with Gurnam Singh Tir Memorial Trust. It will also establish Goethe-Institut/Max Muuml;ller Bhawan, a German cultural institution to promote German language learning among students and increase academic opportunities. It also established the Golden Jubilee Convention Center. which is going to host a series of programmes at upcoming G20 summit likely to be held in city. GNDU also introduced installation of tags or name plates with information (scientific details, flowering and fruiting time, economic importance, horticultural extension etc.) about the trees at the university has started this year, through a QR code.

GNDU Vice Chancellor Jaspal Singh Sandhu, said the university has now become a brand in itself, working towards providing international standard education and research oppurtunities to students.

The Lows

With awards and rewards, also came some scandals and issues that kept the university in news.

VB probe against VC

Earlier in the year, on a complaint filed by a faction of teachers from university, a vigilance probe began against Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Jaspal Singh Sandhu, with allegations of irregularities in his eligibility for the post.

Attack on students

Questions were raised on campus security when five students were stabbed while saving a girl student from being molested inside the campus.