Drive against drugs launched in Tarn Taran


Tarn Taran, January 12

Residents of Shahabpur and Dial villages organised a meeting at Shahabpur village on Thursday and decided to come forward against drug menace and to save youth from its clutches. Panchayat members of both the villages, besides religious personalities attended the meeting.

Two police officials too participated in the meeting on behalf of the administration. In the meeting it was resolved not to pursue the cases of drug peddlers arrested by the police or any other agency. Baba Budh Singh, while addressing the meeting, said though some low category peddlers had been arrested but the big fishes were still at large.Sub-Inspector Kewal Singh and ASI Dilbag Singh urged the residents to cooperate police and give information about the peddlers and identity of the informer would be kept secret.

The residents also decided in the meeting they would not go for bail surety of the drug peddlers in any court. Sant Narinder Singh assured that he would bear the cost incurred during the treatment of drug addict. The residents formed a joint committee who would keep a close watch on the activities of drugs peddlers.