Cash stolen from gurdwara golak


Tarn Taran, January 31

Two masked thieves took away the offerings (cash) by breaking the locks of the golak of the Gurdwara Baba Sidhana, Sheron, on the intervening night of Sunday and Monday. In the statement to the Sarhali police, the gurdwara administrators said according to an estimate, the offering must be about Rs 35,000.

Baba Gurwinder Singh, a granthi of the gurdwara, said when he woke up early in the morning of Monday he saw the doors of the gurdwara open and the lock of the golak broken. The other members of the gurdwara management were also called by Baba Gurwinder Singh who informed the Sarhali police about the incident.

Sub-Inspector Kewal Singh said a case under Sections 457 and 380 of the IPC had been registered and further proceedings initiated.