Amritsar: Nobel laureate Prof Jean Tirole delivers lecture on markets


Amritsar, November 25

Nobel laureate Prof Jean Tirole attended an event of the Indian Institute of Management, Amritsar on Friday. Prof Tirole was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2014. He delivered a lecture on the topic “Are markets moral?” at a hotel, as a part of the CEFIPRA Lecture Series.

The event was co-organised by IIM-Amritsar and the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (CEFIPRA) to provide quality information exchange between India and France.

Apart from Prof Tirole, the programme was also attended by Prof Nagarajan Ramamoorthy, Director, IIM-Amritsar; Prof Nitin Seth, Director, CEFIPRA; Prof Didier Raboisson, senior official, French Embassy to India; and Prof Mahima Gupta, Dean, Academics and Programmes, IIM-Amritsar.

Prof Tirole talked about multiple facets of the issue — starting with defining ‘morality’. He spoke on fragility of moral behaviour. Prof Tirole kept posing pertinent questions to the distinguished crowd and ended the discussion on a question: “Whether economics is a moral and philosophical science?” He also discussed whether markets frame ethical choices, and the talk touched upon various factors pertaining to market morality such as corporate social responsibility.

The lecture was followed by an engaging interactive session between Prof Tirole and the attendees. Apart from the faculty, staff and students of IIM-Amritsar, the event was attended by dignitaries from the industry and academia.